Please enjoy these wondrous photos taken by our very own Sophia!
Perfect, my dear Sophia, just perfect! I love the arm sticking out to the side like Super Recliner is flying. Outstanding!
A closeup here shows us the eyes in a better light. Observe how they are looking into the distance, going together with the arm we saw before, flying into the sky. How wondrous!
She even lifted the cushion up a bit for the mouth, like I said! And the Tinkerbell cape is marvelous. The whole thing is simply splendid, and my other readers *cough cough you cough* really should take a page out of Sophia's book. (Not literally, however, because I hate the desecration of books with my whole heart, not to mention it would be quite rude.) Well done! I hope to see more Super Recliners soon, and maybe we can have a little competition to see whose is most super!
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